Cauliflowers from hilly regions and plains flood Mandalay market

Cauliflowers from both hilly regions and plains are flooding the Thirimarlar vegetable market in Aung­myethazan District, Mandalay Region. These vegetables are being sold well in the Mandalay market, according to U Aung Moe Naing, the owner of Aung Broker House.


Currently, approximately four to five 6-wheel trucks carrying cauliflow­ers enter the market regularly. The cur­rent market price ranges from K1,500 to K1,700 per piece.


“Cauliflowers from the plains ar­rive at the market daily. Additionally, cauliflowers from the Aungban region are also arriving every day,” said U Aung Moe Naing. “Other crops such as tomatoes, cabbages, potatoes, Chi­nese cabbage, carrots, bitter gourds and onions are also being sold well,” he added.


Cauliflowers, mainly grown in My­anmar’s hilly regions and plains, are available all year round.


Currently, Thirimarlar green gro­cery market is open from 4 am to 8 pm. — Maung Aye Chan/KZL