Celebrating a Century of Economics and Business Education in Myanmar: A Legacy of Excellence

(Former Student of the Institute of Economics — 1982-1986 Batch MPA, EMPA 18th Batch of Yangon University of Economics)


By Linn Aung


This year marks a sig­nificant milestone in Myanmar’s academic history, the 100th anniversary of economics and business educa­tion. The journey began in 1924 when the Faculty of Econom­ics was established at Yangon University, marking the start of structured economic education in the country.


The Beginning of Economic and Business Education in Myanmar

The inception of formal eco­nomic education in Myanmar traces its roots to 1924 when the Section of Economics (then the Faculty of Economics) was established at Rangoon Univer­sity (now Yangon University). This marked the initiation of a structured academic pursuit aimed at comprehending eco­nomic principles, deciphering market dynamics, and foster­ing contributions to the nation’s economic advancement. Nota­bly, in 1924, Professor Lionel Charles Robbins Jevons (L C R Jevons) played a pivotal role in establishing the Faculty of Economics. His contributions to developing the curriculum and setting up the necessary administrative and academic structures laid the groundwork for future generations of econ­omists in Myanmar.


Post-World War II Era and the Emergence of Eminent Economists

The aftermath of World War II heralded a transformative phase in Myanmar’s economic education landscape. Dr Hla Myint, a prominent figure from Yangon University and a pro­fessor at the London School of Economics, gained interna­tional acclaim for his seminal contributions to development economics, particularly his groundbreaking “vent-for-sur­plus” theory. Alongside lumi­naries such as Ronald Find­lay, Dr Khin Maung Kyi, Dr Maung Shein, Dr U Myint, and Dr Tin Maung Maung Than, among others. Myanmar saw the rise of distinguished econ­omists whose scholarly work significantly influenced glob­al economic discourse across various domains, ranging from international trade to economic reforms and governance .


Extension and Organiza­tional Development

The Yangon University of Economics began as a Section of Economics under the Ran­goon University (thereby Yan­gon University). The Section of Economics began offering commerce as a special subject in 1940 and courses in statis­tics in 1953. In 1955, a separate Commerce Department was established, and in 1956, a sep­arate Statistics Department was established. In 1964, the institute became an independ­ent tertiary institute with three academic departments and one separate research department. In 1987, the Research Depart­ment was transformed into the Department of Management Studies and another academic department, the Department of Applied Economics and De­partment of Applied Statistics, were created. The institute now has five major academic depart­ments and four supporting aca­demic departments: Burmese, English, mathematics and geog­raphy. It added not only a full-time MPA (2000), an executive MPA (2002), and MDevS (2004) but also a full-time MBA pro­gramme in 1995, an executive MBA (EMBA) programme in 2002, and an online MBA pro­gramme in 2007.


In 1964, a seminal devel­opment occurred with the es­tablishment of the Institute of Economics, marking a signifi­cant milestone in Myanmar’s educational landscape. Initially supported by the Department of Economics at Yangon Uni­versity, this institution evolved into the Yangon University of Economics, greatly expanding the scope of business studies in Myanmar. The university now boasts a modern and dynam­ic curriculum that includes a wide range of business courses, reflecting the evolving nature of the global economy and the multidisciplinary skills required by contemporary graduates.


To further enhance access to higher education in econom­ics, Monywa University of Eco­nomics was established in 1993, followed by Meiktila University of Economics in 2001, serving the Central and Upper Regions of Myanmar. Additionally, the expansion of business-related education across the country has been bolstered by the es­tablishment of two cooperative and management universities (Thanlyin and Sagaing), two co­operative colleges (Phaunggyi and Mandalay), and five coop­erative accounting vocational schools (Magway, Mandalay, Taunggyi, Mawlamyine, and Pathein).


SAC Initiatives to Boost the Economy

The State Administration Council is actively promoting the nation’s economy by en­couraging the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This initiative aims to foster entrepreneurship, cre­ate jobs, and stimulate econom­ic development. By supporting MSMEs, the government hopes to build a more resilient and diversified economy better able to withstand global economic fluctuations.


Looking Ahead: Envision­ing the Future of Economic Education

As we commemorate a cen­tury of economic and related business education, it becomes imperative to gaze into the fu­ture. The swift metamorphosis of the global economy, propelled by technological innovations and globalization, necessitates a perpetual evolution of educa­tional paradigms and pedagog­ical methodologies. Economics and Business Education grad­uates equipped with essential skills in management, business operations, marketing, banking, finance, insurance, and more are imperative to meet the forthcoming challenges.


Myanmar’s universities must adeptly navigate these transformations to equip stu­dents with the acumen and skills requisite for the chal­lenges of the future economy. Moreover, to ensure long-term success and high-qual­ity economic education, it is essential to cultivate skilled resource personnel. Investing in the development of faculty members and researchers is crucial for maintaining the ac­ademic standards of economic universities. This will help these institutions stay at the forefront of economic research and edu­cation, equipping students with the knowledge and skills neces­sary for the future.



The 100-year journey of eco­nomics and business education in Myanmar is a testament to the nation’s commitment to academic excellence. From its beginnings at Yangon Universi­ty to the establishment of spe­cialized economics universities, the journey has been marked by significant achievements and contributions. As we honour this legacy, we look forward to a future where economic edu­cation continues to thrive, driv­ing Myanmar towards greater prosperity. The ongoing gov­ernment support for MSMEs and the emphasis on cultivat­ing skilled personnel and in­vesting in the development of human capital will be pivotal in this journey, ensuring that Myanmar’s economic education system remains robust and for­ward-looking.



Memoirs of Professor Hla Myint (Professor, London School of Economics and For­mer Rector of Rangoon Univer­sity) edited by U Myint (1st edi­tion, December 2022, Burmese Woman Press/Sarpay)

Economics and Business Education by Daw Cho Cho Thein (Working Paper Series No 7.1 Ministry of Education/ UNDP/UNESCO Education Sector Study Project) Myan­mar Education Research Bu­reau. Yangon. February 1992. ( https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ ark:/48223/pf0000144029 )


ဒေါက်တာမောင်ရှိန် [ဘောဂဗေဒပါမောက္ခ(ငြိမ်း)ရန်ကုန်စီးပွားရေး တက္ကသိုလ်] — ကျွန်တော့်ဘဝ ကျွန် တော့် အကြော င်း တစ်သက် တာ အ တွေ့ အ ကြုံ ( ပ ထ မအ ကြိ မ် ၊ ဒီဇင်ဘာ၊ ၂၀၁၅၊ ခေတ်ပြတိုက်စာပေ)

ဦး ဘညိ မ် ၏ ဦး ဘညိ မ် (တော်လှန်ရေးကောင်စီဝင်ဟောင်း ဦးဘညိမ် ကိုယ်တိုင်ရေးအတ္ထုပ္ပတ္တိ) (ပထမအကြိမ်၊ ၂၀၁၄၊ သြဂုတ်လ၊ ခေတ်ပြတိုက်စာပေ)


Yangon University of Eco­nomics: https://yueco.edu.mm/ Yangon University of Econom­ics - Wikipedia

Monywa University of Economics; Wikipedia https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Mony­wa_ University_of_Economics

Meiktila University of Eco­nomics; https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Meiktila _University_ of_Economics

University of Yangon https://www.uy.edu.mm/ De­tailed history of the establish­ment and evolution of the Fac­ulty of Economics.