Centennial celebration of BEHS held in KhinU

KhinU, 30 December


A centennial celebration of a basic education high school has been held at the school in Myin Daung model village, KhinU Township in Sagaing Region recently.


Firstly, the archway marking the centennial celebration was formally opened by Sagaing Regional Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Kam Za Mon, Regional Lawmaker Daw Thin Thin Kyu, Chairman of the township management committee U Thein Zaw, officials from the Immigration and Population Department, Department of Agciculture, and the headmistress by cutting a ceremonial ribbon.


Next, the minister and party planted saplings to commemorate the ruby jubilee of the school. According to the headmistress, the school was established in 1920 as a primary school. The facility was promoted to a middle school in 1953 and was upgraded to a high school on 30 July 1986.


The school compound on 10.01 acres of land measures 660 ft. in length, 660 ft. in width. The chairman of the event organizing committee then spoke words of thanks—Soe Soe (KhinU)

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe