Cherry Blossom Festival: Nurturing cherry flowers and boosting regional tourism, says MoHT UM

The Cherry Blossom Festival aims at developing the region­al tourism industry, loving the Cherry and conserving them in the long run, exploring the tra­dition, culture and food of ethnic people and promoting the tour­ism industry, luring local and foreign travellers, said Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism Dr Thet Thet Khine.


The Union minister high­lighted the purpose of the fes­tival at the opening ceremony of the Cherry Blossom Festival and Ethnic Traditional Food Fair 2023 on Monday in Loimwe, Kengtung Township of eastern Shan State.


After the opening ceremony, the Union minister and party vis­ited the tea plantations in Wam­seng village. They inspected the location to explore as tourist destinations, proper measures to penetrate the market with the Wamseng tea as a regional icon and preventive measures not to affect the environment.


They then headed to Kengtung Waterfall and in­structed on preserving the nat­ural environment and watershed areas. They also presented cash awards to the regional ethnic dance groups.


The Cherry Blossom Fes­tival was first held in 2022 in Loimwe, a tourist attraction in eastern Shan State. The Ethnic Traditional Food Fair is the first time this year. — MNA/KTZH