Choose the best way for using renewable energy

May 13


NOWADAYS, instability of prices for fossil fuels and hiking of fuel prices push the global to use renewable energy as a global opportunity. At present, renewable energy is increasing five per cent each year from 2009 to 2019.


Renewable energy indicates hydropower, solar power, wind power, bioenergy power and geo-energy which are benefiting the long-term energy development.


The global people used 10 per cent of electricity generated from solar power in 2021. Meanwhile, 50 countries used more than one-ten of energy from wind and solar energy, according to the report of AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research).


So also, Myanmar is striving for generating electricity from solar energy based on the solar panel centre in the dry region. Using electricity from solar energy saves the expenditure and electrifies the residences. Such kind of electricity will be supplied to the people residing in the areas where the national grid cannot electrify.


Thanks to electrification in any way, local people will have the confidence to build their families and societies in order to uplift their living standards. As electricity is an important tool to operate industries for production on a manageable scale or commercial scale, manufacturing of products will be beneficial for the local people so that they can earn increased incomes for their families.


In a day, experts predicted that conventional fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas would run out. However, the renewable energy generated through the energy from the Sun, the water and the air will not run out whenever the Universe, atmosphere and waters still exist. Hence, only when the global people consume renewable energy will they successfully meet the global energy demands.


Indeed, renewable energy does not need fuel requirements, cheap maintenance charge, lessening of carbon dioxide emission, development of technology and mitigating the releasing of waste which can be dirty for the environment. As such, use of the renewable energy is very cost-effective.


Hence, Myanmar should emphasize the consumption of electricity generated from renewable energy. People should not too much rely on the efforts of the government. As it is a cheap process, they need to take initiative measures for generating electricity based on renewable energy on a self-reliant basis. If so, societies across the nation will have the chance to improve themselves through the electricity of solar energy and wind energy in running their livelihoods. GNLM