Civil Service Board clarifies in Pyithu Hluttaw assignment, transfer of public servants

Union Civil Service Board clarified in Pyithu Hluttaw yesterday on the assignment and transfer of public servants in response to a question raised in the question and answer session. In addition to the question and answer (QNA) session, two motions were tabled and a report on a bill read at the third day meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 12th regular session held yesterday.




QNA Session

In the QNA session Daw Nan Moe of Mongton constituency asked the respective ministries’ practice on assignment of personnel to development lagging, remote and unstable regions as there seems to be a tradition of assigning personnel close to retirement or had action taken for some misconduct to such regions. Union Civil Service Board member U Saw Valentine explained that there was no need to for President’s Office and Ministry of Defence to answer this question separately. As Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of State Counsellor Office and Ministry of International Cooperation only had office in Nay Pyi Taw so the personnel of these ministries were not assigned to subject regions.


Ministry of Home Affairs had a practice of assigning personnel of 57 years old and above who were close to retirement to regions where they want to settle when they retire. Otherwise reassignments were made for those who had served for more than two years in a post. Locals were given priority in assigning to regions and assignments were determined by personnel affairs meeting decision.


Ministry of Border Affairs assigns personnel on a rotational basis with priority given to locals and while exception was made on personnel with family difficulties. Those who were in a post for long were transferred to another post while depending upon available posts, some were reassigned with promotion. The ministry had no practice of assigning/transferring personnel close to retirement or had action taken for some misconduct.


For General Administration Department in Ministry of Office of the Union Government, there were 3 categories of posts and have the practice of transferring from one category of post to another after three-year assignment to a post. For 57 years old and above close to pension personnel, post assignments were on application basis depending upon availability of the posts.


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation had a transfer/assignment policy where after serving a designated period, transfer/assignment was made on priority list of posts proposed by the personnel depending upon availability of the post or the nearest one to the proposed post.




Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population categorize three posts – urban, rural and remote according to government’s designation and personnel were assigned 3 years to urban post, 2 years to rural posts and 1 year to remote posts. The ministry had no practice of assigning/transferring personnel close to retirement or had action taken for some misconduct. If required Ministry of Commerce personnel were transferred with promotion while government designated post allowance were provided.

In Ministry of Education, personnel transfer and reassignments were managed according to their ranks. Transfers and reassignments of primary school level positions were handled by township education office while middle school and high school level positions were handled by district education office and state/region education office respectively. Transfer, reassignment and promotion to middle school and high school heads were handled by Basic Education Department head office depending upon service year, proposal and availability of posts.

Ministry of Health and Sports gave priority to assigning locals and transfer and reassignments were volunteer basis depending upon availability of the posts.

Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations select and assign capable, qualified, young personnel with high possibility of promotion to remote areas. Ministry of Construction had no practice of assigning/transferring personnel close to retirement or had action taken for some misconduct.


Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement gave priority to locals and promotions and reassignments were from a short list prepared. Action for misconducts were taken according to set personnel rules and regulations.


Ministry of Information, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of Ethnic Affairs had no practice of assigning/transferring personnel close to retirement or had action taken for some misconduct. Action for misconducts were taken according to Public Servant Law said U Saw Valentine. Questions raised by Dr. U Sein Mya Aye of Dala constituency, Tatmadaw Hluttaw representative Maj. Zaw Win Naing, Daw Soe Nwe Aye of Tada-U constituency, Dr. U Min Thein of YeU constituency, U Khin Maung Thi of Loilem constituency and Dr. U Hla Moe of Aungmyethazan constituency were also answered by Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun and Union Civil Service Board member U Saw Valentine.




Motions tabled for discussion

U Myo Zaw Aung of Kawlin constituency tabled a motion urging the government to upgrade teachings in higher education universities and colleges with educational support materials, practical works, field/site visits, research and term paper preparation etc. The motion was supported by U Ye Lwin of Ahlone constituency. U Aung Thike of Seikpyu constituency also tabled a motion urging the government to increase the teaching of history and geography in middle school level to produce more historians and geography experts on Myanmar. The motion was supported by U Phone Myint Aung of DaikU constituency. After the Hluttaw decided to accept and discuss both motions, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the motions to register their names.

Report on Myanma Telecommunication Corporation bill read

Next the Hluttaw was informed about the receipt of Myanma Telecommunication Corporation bill approved with amendments sent by Amyotha Hluttaw and Bill Committee member U Hpa Tan read and submitted a report on the bill. Afterwards Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to table amendment motion on the bill to register their names. The fourth day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 12th regular session will be held on 8 May.—Aye Aye Thant (MNA) (Translated by Zaw Min)