CLEANUP activities are essential for society, promoting both physical and mental well-being by reducing the risk of diseases and fostering mindfulness. A cleaner environment helps people lead healthier, more focused lives. Globally, cleanup efforts remain crucial as the world is overwhelmed by physical and mental waste. People generate mental waste themselves and through negative influences from others, necessitating internal cleansing as well as physical cleanups of their surroundings.


Improper waste disposal practices have left the world vulner­able to environmental degra­dation. Irresponsible actions have resulted in waste being scattered across various re­gions, making global cleanup efforts even more necessary. Addressing these waste chal­lenges can prevent the spread of infectious diseases and cre­ate healthier communities. As such, everyone must contrib­ute to a cleaner world, ensur­ing that landfill-type waste is minimized and the environ­ment is protected.


One prominent event in this global movement is World Cleanup Day, set for 20 Sep­tember 2024, in Tromsø, Nor­way. The theme, “Arctic Cities and Marine Litter,” focuses on the unique challenges faced by cities within the Arctic Circle. Tromsø, with its harsh weath­er conditions, geographical isolation, and expensive in­frastructure, struggles with effective waste management. The event is supported by UN-Habitat, GRID-Arendal, the Norwegian Retailers’ En­vironment Fund, and various government bodies, aiming to inspire communities worldwide to adopt sustainable practices that protect the Arctic.


The fragile ecosystem of the Arctic demands targeted cleanup efforts, particularly in reducing plastic and marine litter. World Cleanup Day emphasizes the importance of innovation, community involvement, and collaboration in establishing sustainable waste systems. Professional cleanups, coupled with innovative funding strategies, play a vital role in tackling waste issues, especially in complex urban environments.


On 8 December 2023, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 78/122, officially declaring 20 September as World Cleanup Day. This resolution reflects the growing global commitment to addressing environmental degradation. Over the years, numerous governments and communities have participated in cleanup efforts, with World Cleanup Day serving as a celebration of their achievements.


In fact, it is a reminder of the shared responsibility to main­tain a clean, healthy environment and ensure sustainable waste management practices. This collective effort can lead to a more sustainable world for future generations. Hence, every country and everybody needs to make efforts to clean up the whole world to be newer and healthier for the sake of the new socioeconomic life of generations.