Collective garbage clearance activity conducted in Kyeekha

Kyeekha, 20 January

A group of local people carried out a collective garbage clearance campaign in Kyeekha, Chin State, this morning with the aim of beautifying the whole town, keeping it clean and reducing the crime.

The two groups consisting of departmental officials, students and resident led by Chin State Minister for Social Affairs U Pau Lun Min Thang, were actively involved in the campaign. The Amyotha Hluttaw Representative Daw Kyein Ngaik Mung and Township Education Officer Daw Hnin Kyi also took part in the activity.

 Our intention is to keep the town clean and reduce the crime. We cleared off the bushes and collected the garbage in the town” said a local official.—Salai Lein Mahn (IPRD) 

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe