Combat Against Terrorism in Unity

By Min Khant


Terrorist organizations tend to threaten and kill un­armed civilians anywhere anytime and every society in the world is facing the threat of terror­ism. The terrorist organizations are targeting the non-combatant targets of civilians, public infra­structures and critical places in the countries. Accordingly, world countries do not accept such vio­lent acts and always defend them with special attention.


In defending against the threat of terrorist organizations, every country of the world must join hands together regardless of boundaries, what terrorism is universally defined and its rele­vant laws.


To give an overview on the threats of terrorist groups across the world today, when terrorism becomes a serious concern and threat for a country, the country certainly would suffer its nega­tive outcomes and moreover, the ideologies of the terrorists would prevail across other regional countries and eventually link to the terrorist organizations of other regions. In this case, it is notewor­thy that providing political support or cover to the terrorist groups for their unlawful acts recklessly committed on innocent civilians is most likely to pave the way for growing terrorism and terrorist groups.


Having said that, every coun­try is taking measures of coun­ter-terrorism in line with their respective laws, rules and regu­lations to combat terrorism and terrorist groups and protect the people from its threats and conse­quences. In some cases, countries have to cooperate with the inter­national community in combating against terrorism.


In this regard, as one of the cooperation activities to combat terrorism joining hands together with the international communi­ty, Myanmar hosted the Tabletop Exercise-TTX of ADMM-Plus Ex­perts’ Working Group on Counter Terrorism from 2 to 4 August 2023.


The Tabletop Exercise-TTX on Counter Terrorism was suc­cessfully organized with the participation of senior military officials from Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam besides Myanmar and Russia, co-chairs of the ADMM-Plus EWG on CT. The opening ceremony of TTX on 2 August was honoured with the presence of Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy, and Air) General Maung Maung Aye. The General officially opened the ceremony by pressing the logo of EWG CT on a touch-screen and delivering an opening remark.


On the second day of the TTX on 3 August, Command Post Ex­ercise was conducted with the discussions led by Myanmar and Russian senior officers of partic­ipants reinforced with the views, experiences and suggestions of participants from other countries. The active participation of each country in alphabitc order led to the perfect outcome of the oper­ation plan of TTX.


In the morning on the third day of TTX, the participants from respective countries viewed the demonstration performance of Myanmar Special Operation Task- Force-SOTF members of Myanmar Armed Forces and also recognized the physical strength and mental toughness of male and female SOTF members who are well-disciplined and well-trained. In the afternoon, TTX continued with the active participation of representatives from respective countries and final decision of joint operation plan was finalized. Then, a gala dinner was hosted in the evening building more trust, understanding and friendship among the participants.


Successful holding of a table­top exercise on counter terrorism with the participation of ASEAN’s dialogue partners is a honourable achievement for Myanmar. More­over, Myanmar, where the attacks of NUG/PDF terrorists occur in recent political development, has gained invaluable experienc­es from the opportunity to work closely together with international community in the counter terror­ism measures.


During the exercise, cultural programs were added with recre­ational purposes so that the senior officials from participating coun­tries know more about Myanmar. They got the chance to study the history of Myanmar armed forc­es that was born together with the Independence and its relent­less efforts to safeguard the live and property of the people and activities for the national inter­ests throughout successive eras in Defence Services Museum; the facts and evidence of Myan­mar civilization dating back from pre-historic period, Myanmar’s literature, art and architecture, cultural artefacts and religious objects in historic period, the grandness of Lion Throne used by ancient Myanmar kings reflect­ing the national sovereignty under crowns in National Museum; and the precious gemstones of Myan­mar mineral products on display at Myanmar Gem Museum.


Furthermore, the participants of TTX also had paid deep homage to Upatasandi Pagoda as well as the Maravijaya Buddha Image which would be the world’s high­est sitting marble Buddha Image in the world fully enjoying the peaceful environment of a country of Theravada Buddhism. In par­ticular, they became recorded as first foreigners from 11 countries to pay homage to the Maravijaya Buddha Image following its conse­crating ceremony. Moreover, after briefing of responsible officials, the participants also observed the documentary records of how the world’s largest and heaviest mar­ble stone was conveyed using wa­ter and land transports in longest distance as well as the incredible skills of Myanmar engineers who had carved out the Buddha Image and built the religious buildings in the Maravijaya Buddha Park.


The Tabletop Exercise TTX recently conducted is for counter terrorism which is one of seven areas of practical defence coop­eration between each of ASEAN member States and other coun­tries of Plus Countries of dialogue partners on ADMM-Plus platform. This area of defence cooperation has been co-chaired by Myanmar and Russia, and Myanmar led the TTX.


Experts’ Working Groups (EWGs) have been established to facilitate cooperation in these areas. The EWGs are each co-chaired by one ASEAN Member States and one Plus Country, operating in a three-year cycle since its inception in 2011. The first three-year cycle of ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism was jointly co-chaired by Indonesia and United States from 2011 to 2013. The second cycle of ADMM-Plus EWG on CT from 2014 to 2016 was co-chaired by Singapore and Australia and its third cycle from 2017 to 2019 was co-chaired by Thailand and China. The fourth cycle of EWG CT was inactive in the following year due to the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 and became active again in 2021 co-chaired by Myanmar and Russia for three years until 2023.


Conducting joint exercises in the area of counter terror­ism on the ADMM-Plus plat­form aims to promote mutual interaction, understanding, trust, friendship and coopera­tion among ASEAN members and plus countries of dialogue partners. Better inter-personnel trust and understanding will largely contribute to the efforts to combat terrorism and violent acts in the region.


The essence of the recent­ly-organized TTX is to formulate an operation plan for multilateral forces to annihilate the terrorists who are threatening a stable and peaceful country. It is notable that during the TTX, senior officials from Myanmar and Russia led the discussions in the Staff Exercise and Common Post Exercise, the phases of the TTX.


All countries participating in the TTX, regardless of dif­ferent territories, languages and cultural customs, have a common perspective that they do not accept terrorism and an objective to combat any terrorist in the world. Having said that, they all actively are actively par­ticipating in unity in counter ter­rorism measures of the exercise.


In reality, the ADMM-Plus EWG on Counter Terrorism es­tablished for the practical defence cooperation between ASEAN and plus countries of dialogue part­ners is not related to the political and internal affairs of member States. No country in the world would accept or tolerate any form of terrorism and violent acts and accordingly, the cooper­ation mechanism has been estab­lished to effectively combat any possible form of terrorism in the region with the combined efforts of regional countries. In this re­gard, the effective cooperation of defence forces should be more emphasized rather than the inter­nal affairs and political system of relevant countries.


Among our ASEAN member States, there would be certain di­versities ranging from different historical background, culture, nationality, faith and religion to different politics and political sys­tems. In spite of the differences and diversities, all member States should unite the strengths in im­plementing the common objective of ASEAN centrality and its pro­active role.


Absence of participating in such counter terrorism exercise on the pretext of politics and po­litical system of the host country infers the meaning of support­ing terrorism and terrorist acts. Despite many disturbances of those who have negative views on the exercise, the Tabletop exercise-TTX on counter terror­ism was successfully concluded as the result of unity. In other words, the successful conclu­sion of the TTX fully reflects the essence of the theme of fourth cycle of ADMM-Plus EWG on CT ‘Working in Unity, Building the Security’. Experiences and suggestions made by the repre­sentatives of participating coun­tries were significant contribu­tions to the successful completion of the TTX.


To sum up, I strongly believe that conducting such exercises continuously will improve mutual trusts and understandings among participants and eventually be­come a practical and invaluable contribution in the efforts to com­bat terrorism and terrorist acts threatening the entire society of mankind.