Compensation to be provided to farmers for damaged crops due to flooding

Sidoktaya 28 June


Compensation for damaged crops due to flooding will be provided to farmers in Sidoktaya Township, Magway Region, according to Township Department of Agriculture.


In Sidoktaya Township, a total of K 6,760,000 of compensation for a total of 153 acres of damaged crops from 3 November 2018 to 30September 2019 will be disbursed depending to the kinds of crops.


A Township Supervision Committee involving Township Administrator, officials from Township Department of Agriculture, Township Department of Land Management and Statistics, Township Department of Rural Development and Myanma Agricultural Development Bank, representatives of Hluttaw and department personnel will be formed and the committee will dispense compensation for the damaged crops to farmers in July, according to a staff officer from the Township Department of Agriculture.

Si Thu Lwin (IPRD)


Translated by Suyee