Completion of developmental works in Myittha Tsp. inspected

Myittha 13 July

MP U Min Aung of No.1 Constituency of Regional Hluttaw, Myittha Township Administrator U Aung Moe, Myittha Township Officer from Department of Rural Development U Ko Ko Aung and officials inspected the completion of developmental works in Myittha Township, Mandalay Region yesterday. 

With the aim of distributing drinking water in all seasons, water supply projects such as digging a tube well, construction of a water tank and a water plant were conducted in Yitkan village in the township. 

In addition, construction of a concrete road was undertaken with funds of government and public contributions. The developmental works will benefit a total of 1855 people from 445 households in the village. 

Su Mon (Myittha IPRD)
Translated by Suyee