Concrete paving work of road in Hlaingbwe Township completed 100%

Hlaingbwe, 16 February

Officials from the Township Department of Rural Development inspected the completion of concrete paving work of road in Kawpaw Village in Hlaingbwe Township of Kayin State yesterday.

During the inspection tour, staff officer of the Township Department of Rural Development U Saw Kyaw Naing Tun and members met with members of village development committee and stressed the importance of quality construction and maintenance.

The construction work of concrete road which is 480 ft. in length, 12 ft. in width and six inches in volume has been implemented since the third week of October last year by local people with K. 16.00 million including K. 15.0 million of DRD’s funds in 2023-2024 fiscal year and K. 1.00 million contributed by local people. Now, all the construction works were completed 100 percent.

The road brings benefits to 120 local people from 56 households in Kawpaw Village of Hlaingbwe Township, according to an official from the Township Department of Rural Development.—Soe Lwin(DRD)

Translated by JT