Connecting on the Universal Dance of Words

By Augustin


IDIOMS and expressions are vital in daily chats, carry­ing cultural insights and adding zest to language. They paint vibrant pictures, making conversations memorable and fostering better connections.


These linguistic tools en­rich the language, making discussions lively and diverse. Using idioms helps us grasp dif­ferent cultures and eases social interaction.


In human communication, words weave understanding and unity. Conversations are like rhythmic dances, bridging gaps and creating a harmonious mix of shared experiences.


Language allows us to con­nect, express, and delve into our thoughts, promoting unity and embarking on a collective journey of humanity.


တံခွန်စိုက် (tamhkwancaik)

stative verb


ကြောင်းတူ သံကွဲများ

ဗိုလ်စွဲ, နိုင်, ဇော်စွဲ (all verbs)



• (ပြိုင်ပွဲတွင်)ထူးချွန်စွာအနိုင်ရရှိ သည်။

• ပြိုင်ပွဲများတွင်တံခွန်စိုက်ခဲ့သူ။

• This word is translated into English as follows: -


Win the championship; Be­come a champion; place a streamer.

Typically, instead of a cano­py, a streamer is placed atop a spire or on the roof of a pandal, serving as a symbol of suprem­acy or superiority. Therefore, achieving victory or champion status in games and other activ­ities is metaphorically likened to placing a streamer at the pinnacle.


Idioms, sayings, and ex­pressions related to “Win the Championship”:

“Take home the trophy”.

“Climb to the top of the po­dium”.

“Seal the victory”.

“Secure the title”.

“Capture the crown”.

“Claim the championship”.

“Emerging as the reigning champion”.

“Earn the laurels”.


Idioms, sayings, and ex­pressions related to “Be­come a Champion”:

“Rise to the occasion”.

“Achieve greatness”.

“Attain championship sta­tus”.

“Wear the champion’s man­tle”.

“Ascend to the pinnacle of success”.

“Join the ranks of champi­ons”.

“Earn one’s stripes”.

“Embrace victory and glo­ry”.



Explanation: “Bring home the bacon” is an idiom that means to achieve success, earn a living, or provide financial support for one’s family.


Example Sentences:

• After years of hard work, John finally brought home the bacon by landing a high-paying job.

• Winning the championship not only brought home the bacon for the team but also brought immense pride to the fans.


Explanation: “Take the crown” is an idiom that signi­fies achieving victory, winning a competition, or becoming the champion.


Example Sentences:

• After a fierce battle, the young athlete managed to take the crown and become the undisputed champion of the tournament.


• The singer’s outstanding performance helped her take the crown in the talent show, impressing both the judges and the audience.



“Hit the jackpot”.

“Seal the deal”.

“Victory is in the bag”.

“Strike gold”.

“Claim the top spot”.

“Cross the finish line first”.

“Have the last laugh”.

“Champion of the world”.


ပျားရည်နှင့် ဝမ်းချ

pja : jei ne.wun: cha



ပွေး ကို င်း ဖြ င့် ဝ မ်း မ နု တ် ဘဲ ပျား ရည်ချိ ုချိ ုဖြင့် ဝမ်းသက်စေသကဲ့သို့ ချိုသာစွာပြောဆိုနှစ်သိမ့်၍ မနှစ်မြို့ဖွယ်အရာကို လက်ခံအောင် နားချသည်။


• causative verb

• ပျား(n)+ရည်(n)+နှင့်(part) +ဝမ်း(n)+ချ(v)

• Figurative



သူ တ စ် ပါး ကို တ စ် စုံ တ စ် ရာ လိုက်လျော၍ကျေနပ်နှစ်သိမ့်စေသည်။

ကျေနပ်နှစ်သိမ့်စေပြီးအလိုသို့ပါ အောင်ဆွဲဆောင်သည်။

To offer honey in order to induce someone else’s bowel movement.



ပျားရည်နှင့်ဝမ်းချလို့ရော ကျေနပ်ပါ့မလား။



Placate; Soothe.

It’s typical to use aloe or senna, often combined with oth­er ingredients, as a purgative, though the odour and flavour can be quite disagreeable. How­ever, if the purgative is crafted with pleasant ingredients to mask the unpleasantness, the experience may be less objec­tionable. Similarly, deceiving someone under the guise of comforting words is likened to offering honey to induce bowel movements.



“A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” - This idiom suggests that making something unpleasant more bearable can be achieved by adding something enjoyable or pleasant to it.


“All that glitters is not gold.” - This saying warns against be­ing deceived by appearances or superficial qualities, emphasiz­ing that something may seem attractive on the outside but be unpleasant or disappointing on the inside.


“Putting lipstick on a pig.” - This expression describes the futile attempt to make some­thing unattractive or undesir­able appear better or more ap­pealing than it actually is.


“You can’t polish a turd.” - This phrase conveys the idea that it’s impossible to improve or beautify something that is in­herently flawed or undesirable.


“A bitter pill to swallow.” - This saying refers to something unpleasant or difficult to accept, likening it to the experience of swallowing a bitter-tasting pill.


“Selling snake oil.” - This expression describes the act of deceiving or misleading others by promoting something as ef­fective or beneficial when it is actually worthless or harmful.


“Sweet talk.” - This term refers to using flattering or per­suasive language to deceive or manipulate others, similar to offering honey to disguise de­ceitful intentions.




• common noun

• ပစ် ( v ) + တို င်း ( p a r t ) +ထောင်(v)

• Figurative



• ဒေါ င် ကျ ကျ ပြား ကျ ကျ ပစ်တိုင်းထောင်ဘဝကို အားကျ တယ်။

• လောကဓံ၏ဒဏ်ကို ကြံ့ကြံ့ခံနိုင် သူ။


• Person inured to vicissi­tudes of life.


• A toy figurine that consist­ently returns to an upright position after being thrown randomly symbolizes some­one who consistently stages a comeback.


• A beloved toy cherished by many children in Myanmar is the Pyit-taing-htaung, a unique hollow doll resem­bling an egg with a paint­ed baby’s face on the top half and a weighted lower half, often containing lead. This design ensures that no matter how the doll is tossed, it consistently re­turns to an upright position. Consequently, individuals who exhibit resilience, re­main steadfast in the face of challenges, and consist­ently bounce back from ad­versity are likened to the Pyit-taing-htaung.



• “Bouncing back like a rub­ber ball.” - This expression refers to someone who quickly recovers from set­backs or difficulties, simi­lar to how a rubber ball re­bounds after being thrown.


• “Phoenix rising from the ashes.” - This saying de­scribes someone who over­comes adversity or failure and emerges stronger and more successful, like the mythical bird that rises anew from its own ashes.


• “Turn defeat into victory.” - This idiom suggests trans­forming a loss or failure into a triumph or success, emphasizing resilience and determination in the face of challenges.


• “Rolling with the punches.” - This expression describes adapting and persevering through difficult situations or setbacks, much like how a boxer moves with the force of punches without being knocked down.


• “Never say die.” - This phrase conveys a refusal to give up or surrender, emphasizing determination and perseverance even in the face of seemingly insur­mountable obstacles.


• “Back on one’s feet.” - This idiom describes someone who has recovered from a setback or difficulty and is once again functioning nor­mally or successfully.


• “Rising to the occasion.” - This expression signifies someone who meets chal­lenges or adversity with strength and determina­tion, ultimately achieving success despite initial set­backs.



မြန် မာ စာလုံး ပေါ င်း သတ် ပုံ ကျ မ်း (မြန်မာစာအဖွဲ့၊ ၂၀၀၃ ခုနှစ်)

• Myanmar Idioms, written by Saya Hla Thamein