Conservationists conduct waterbird census at Inle Lake sanctuary

The annual Asian Waterbird Census was carried out on 12 January in the Inle Lake, Balu Creek, Sagar Lake, and Moebye Dam.



Conservations recorded over 7,660 birds belonging to 19 species of local water birds, over 5,600 birds belonging to 17 species of migratory water birds, over 1,900 local forest birds, over 100 birds belonging to 11 species of migratory forest birds.

“They also spotted two Baer’s Pochard (Aythyabaeri) (CR) at Inle Lake and three white-browed crake (Porzana cinerea), both of which are endangered species,” according to U Sein Tun, head of the Wildlife Sanctuary in Inle Lake. The Asian Waterbird Census is carried out every year in January at sites across 25 countries in Asia and Australia. The census was carried out at Indawgyi Lake in Kachin Sate, Inle Lake in Shan State, Moeyungyi Lake in Bago Region, Paleik Lake, and Pyu Lake in central Myanmar. —Nay Myo Thurein


(Translated by TTN)