Construction of Convocation Hall in Hakha completed by 55 percent 

Hakha 17 June

Construction of convocation hall in Hakha College has been completed by 55 percent and officials from Building Special Team-9 are striving to meet the set standard within the target date. 

The convocation hall is being built with K 9,331.194 million allocated by funds of Union and the construction was started from 15 May, 2018. A total of K 8,436.194 million for construction, K 735 million for electric line installation and K 160 million for water supply, totaling K 9,331.194 million will be used for the completion of the project.

“Developmental works for Hakha College are being made in line with the guidance of State Government”, said Pro-Rector of Hakha College.

Myint Naing Soe (IPRD)
Translated by Suyee