Construction of fire services station in Kamma completed by 100% 

Pakokku, 16 November   


Construction works of a two-storey apartment for employees from the Department of Fire Services in Kamma Township, Pakokku District in Magway Region began June 25 this year and now all the projects were completed by 100 percent.


A two-storey apartment measuring 45 ft. in length, 50 ft. in width and 26 ft. in height was built by spending Ks 151 million allotted by the regional government in the current fiscal year, and fully completed on 22 October this year. The building includes staff offices, apartments and ground floor for housing fire engines.


Chairman of the District Administration Council U San Hlaing and members, Chairman of the Township Administration Council U Soe Moe Kyaw and members, commander of the district Fire Services Department U Kyaw Naing and officials from the Township Fire Service Department and members of the township level quality inspection committee made a field trip to the construction site to look into progress of the building.—Salai Ko Ki(IPRD)
Translated by JT