Construction of four slab culverts in Parlaung village, Matman Township inspected

Matman 20 December


Officials from Matman Township Department of Rural Development made an inspection at the construction sites of four slab culverts in Parlaung village in Matman Township, Wa-Self-Administered Division on 20 December. 


The officials inspected the construction of slab culverts measuring 5 ft in length, 20 ft in width and 5 ft in height and called the responsible people from the company for the timely completion. 


The construction of slab culverts was conducted with K 23.976 million funded by Union Budget starting from third week of July. Now, all the works are nearing completion. Upon completion, it will benefit 97 acres of farmland and 108 acres of farm in four villages, according to an official from the Township DRD. 


Maung Khaing
Translated by Suyee