Construction of Hlaingbwe-Kyarinn Concrete Bridge completed by 70 percent

Halingbwe 5 May


With the aim of ensuring traffic convenience in Halingbwe Township, Kayin State, well-wishers from Japan and local residents jointly conducted the construction of Hlaingbwe-Kyarinn concrete bridge.


The construction was started from November 2019 and it will be completed in the first week of June 2020, according to Township Officer U Myint Ko of Township Department of Rural Development.


The bridge which is 183 ft in length is conducted by Universal Sky Top Company with K 185 million. Upon completion, about 23452 people from 4014 households in 32 villages will have safe and sound transportation in all seasons. As well it will benefit the commodity flow with saving time and money and bring the socioeconomic development of the Township.

Khin San Myint (IPRD)


Translated by Suyee