Construction of multi-purpose halls in Kawkareik Township completed

Kawkareik 11 November


Kawkareik Township Department of Rural Development is undertaking construction of multi-purpose halls in Kawbein and Kawpauk villages in Kawkareik Township, Kayin State during 2020-2021 FY. All the construction have been completed by hundred percent, according to the department.


In Kawbein village, the construction of a multi-purpose hall was conducted with K 58.5 million funded by community based project and K 1.65249 million contributed by public. In Kawpauk village, the hall was built with K 55.1881 million allocated by the project. 


In the township, a total of 158 projects have been implemented in 258 villages with the funds of the project and public contributions.

Soe Moe Kyaw
Translated by Suyee