Construction of rural bridge 100 % completed in Bhamo Twsp

Bhamo, 9 June

Local people Sarwatee Village, Bhamo Township in Kachin State are now able to use a rural bridge built by the Ministry of Border Affairs on an inter-village road.

“A reinforced concrete bridge over a small creek was built at a cost of Ks. 222.5 million funded by the Ministry of Border Affairs in the present fiscal year. Construction of the bridge measuring 100 ft. in length, 18 ft. in width and 20 ft. in height began on 20 November last year and was completed on 6 June this year. The bridge would benefit over 6,000 local people from seven villages and residents from nearby area would be able to use the facility in all seasons,” said U Soe Naing, Deputy Director from Bhamo District Development Supervisory Committee Office.

The local lawmakers and members of the township quality inspection committee visited the bridge on 7 June to inspect the completion of the structure.

Kein Phyu (IPRD)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe