Construction of rural roads being conducted in Ngape Tsp.

Ngape 25 January

Construction of three rural roads are being undertaken by Department of Rural Development in Chinsu, Kyinthipaw and Panhtein villages in Ngape Township, Magway Region and all the projects have been completed by 75 percent, according to the Department.

A rural road and two box culverts are being built in Chinsu village, a rural road in Kyinthi village and a rural road and two box culverts in Panhtein village by respective construction companies starting from November 23 last year.

Upon completion, agricultural products from over 2000 acres of farmland will be distributed to market with saving time and money, according to Township Officer from Township Department of Rural Development U Wai Lin Maung.

Thurein (Minbu)
Translated by Suyee
