Coord meeting on international relations, national security held at Presidential Palace

Tatmadaw’s ceasefire, Rakhine State & border security issues discussed

President U Win Myint chaired a coordination meeting on Myanmar’s international relations and national security which was held at the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw from 2 pm to 4:30 pm yesterday.

The President and attendees discussed in detail matters pertaining to international relations, national security, an analysis of the situation after the Tatmadaw made its ceasefire announcement, and on the topic of Rakhine State and border security matters.

President U Win Myint, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Vice Presidents U Myint Swe and U Henry Van Thio, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat, Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Kyaw Swe, Union Minister for Defence Lt-Gen Sein Win, Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Ye Aung, Union Minister for Office of the State Counsellor U Kyaw Tint Swe, Union Minister for the Office of the Union Government U Min Thu, Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations U Thaung Tun, Union Minister for International Cooperation U Kyaw Tin, Union Peace Commission Chairman Dr. Tin Myo Win, and Chief of Military Security Affairs Lt-Gen Soe Htut attended the meeting. — MNA (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)