Coronavirus: 412 new cases in Italy, six more deaths

12 Aug

The health ministry said Tuesday that Italy has registered 412 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours.

That compares to the 259 new cases reported on Monday. Monday's contagion figure is frequently lower than that for other days of the week because fewer swabs are taken on Sundays.

Only two regions did not register any new cases - Valle d'Aosta and Molise. Sicily had the highest number of new COVID-19 cases, 89, followed by Lombardy, the hardest-hit region, with 68 and Veneto with 65.

The ministry said six COVID-19 sufferers have died in Italy in the last 24 hours, up from four on Monday.

Italy's coronavirus death toll now stands at 35,215.

The number of people currently positive for the coronavirus here is 13.561, up 193 in a day.

Of those, 12.711 are in isolation at home (up 168), 49 are in intensive care (up three) and 801 are in other hospital departments (up 22).

The ministry said 202,461 people have recovered from COVID-19 here, up 213.

The total number of confirmed cases in Italy, including the deceased, the recovered and the currently positive, is 251,237. (ANSA).
