COVID-19 committee honours volunteers, philanthropic orgs in Bago

The National-Level Central Committee for Prevention, Control and Treatment on COVID-19 presented certificates of honours, lapel pins, face masks and hand sanitizers to the volunteers and philanthropic organizations that are fighting against COVID-19 pandemic in Bago Region yesterday.

The committee also provided cash aids to pregnant women, children under 5 years old, the elderly and the disabled who are receiving quarantine after a handover ceremony was organized at the Zeya Thiri Ashoka Monastery in Bago.

The ceremony was attended by the central committee’s secretary and Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Win Myat Aye, Bago Region Kayin Ethnic Affairs Minister Daw Naw Pwal Hsay, Director-General and Deputy Director-General of Social Welfare Department, and officials from General Administration Department, Public Health Department, and Department of Medical Services.

At the Zeya Thiri Ashoka Monastery’s quarantine centre, the Union Minister and party helped the persons receiving facility quarantine, handed over certificates of honours to the Region’s ethnic affairs minister, and provided the representatives of the volunteers lapel pins, face masks and hand sanitizers.

The ministry gave a total of K 11.37 million, K 30,000 for each person, for 265 pregnant women, 94 children under 5 years old, 18 elderly persons, and two persons with disabilities to the Director-General of the Social Welfare Department, who is also the in-charge of the quarantine centre.

The volunteers reported on their difficulties and requirements in fighting COVID-19, and the Union Minister coordinated over the matters.

Officials from the Bago Region government’s general administration department and related volunteers steering committees will present the national-level central committee’s certificates of honours to 2,609 volunteers and 231 philanthropic organizations in the region.

If there are volunteers and philanthropic organizations that were not included in this batch, the committee will arrange additional certificates for them, according to the committee.

The committee will also present certificates of honours to the volunteers and philanthropic organizations in other regions and states after the volunteers and the organizations are scrutinized by officials from the related region and state governments’ general administration departments and volunteers steering committees.

The committee organized yesterday’s handover ceremony in Bago in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports. —MNA


(Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)