By Yin Nwe Ko


Attitude plays a crucial role in shaping our lives and influencing our inter­actions with the world. Developing a positive and resilient attitude from a young age can pave the way for a successful and fulfill­ing life. Here, we will explore the importance of building a strong foundation of attitude in childhood and how it can positively impact one’s future.


Attitude is more than just a state of mind; it is a driving force that shapes our behaviour, decisions, and reactions to life’s challenges. A positive attitude enables individuals to navigate through difficulties with resilience and optimism, fostering personal growth and success. Children are like sponges, absorbing informa­tion and experiences from their surroundings. Parents, caregiv­ers, teachers, and peers play sig­nificant roles in shaping a child’s attitude. Positive role models and a supportive environment contrib­ute to the development of a healthy mindset.


Encouraging children to adopt a positive mindset involves praising their efforts, focusing on strengths, and teaching them to see setbacks as opportunities for growth. Children can learn to ap­proach challenges with a can-do attitude by fostering a sense of optimism. Life is full of ups and downs, and developing resilience is essential for overcoming obsta­cles. Teaching children to view set­backs as temporary and providing them with problem-solving skills instils a resilient attitude. This resilience becomes a valuable asset in facing the uncertainties of the future.


A strong foundation of atti­tude includes the development of empathy and emotional intelli­gence. Teaching children to under­stand and manage their emotions, as well as empathize with others, contributes to the formation of positive and meaningful relation­ships. Instilling a sense of purpose and goal-setting in children helps them develop a proactive attitude toward life. Children learn the val­ue of hard work and perseverance by setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories.


Schools play a crucial part in shaping a child’s attitude. A pos­itive and inclusive learning en­vironment, along with effective character education programmes, can reinforce the values of respect, responsibility, and cooperation. The attitude developed in child­hood doesn’t just affect a person’s early years; it lays the groundwork for their entire life. Individuals with a positive attitude are more likely to embrace opportunities, overcome challenges, and build strong interpersonal connections.


In addition, building a strong foundation of attitude from a young age is instrumental in shaping a child’s future. Parents, educators, and society at large are responsible for providing the necessary guidance and support to foster positive attitudes in the younger generation. By doing so, we contribute to creating a bright­er and more resilient future for our children.


As soon as a baby is born, it cannot walk. First, it stays on its back in bed. Later, it lies prone and stays in a sitting position. At last, it tries to stand and practice to walk. Before, it could not walk well, and it often fell down. Un­less it continues trying to walk due to the pain and fear encoun­tered in every walk, it will never be able to walk forever. Everyone has already tried to walk when young. Likewise, everyone should endeavour to stabilize his or her existence in the world with peace.


No matter the way in which one was born, either from a wealthy family or a low-income family, the chance of trying is con­sistent.


Certainly, life is not the thing that should not be resigned. Al­though one was born into a rich family, he or she will surely be in trouble one day if he or she goes on living without trying and pre­paring for life. Similarly, one is born into a poor family, and if he or she is depressed with life and stays with laziness, he or she will surely continue meeting the vari­eties of trouble and never feel the sweetness of life. Therefore, one’s life, whether rich or poor, should go on a journey of life by making careful endeavours. Even if one meets failure, one should preserve life so as not to be toppled down.


Everyone does not like the failures. But some failures are caused by one’s incompetents. Only qualified people who have a steadfast attitude can withstand failure. Everyone cannot be de­prived of trouble. If one does not want to try again and again when he or she meets the trouble, he or she will be devoured by the trouble. In fact, life is composed of images of endeavour.


In a story I have read, a one-armed beggar had come to a monastery and asked the resid­ing monk for the remains of food. Then, the monk made the beggar move the heap of brick towards the back of the monastery. The beggar was angry with the monk, saying how to move the bricks with his one arm. The monk said to him that such work could be done with one arm and showed the beggar how to carry the brick with just one arm. The beggar was so hungry that he did it, and soon the work was completed. When the job finished, the monk gave the beg­gar food and some money for his wages for the day. The beggar was amazed, but he happened to notice the ability that he could manage.


After a few days, a beggar with two hands, which were orig­inally good, got to the monastery and asked the monk for the food remains. The monk again made him move the heap of brick from the back of the monastery towards the front of it. Then the beggar got angry with the monk, saying he could not do it, and left the mon­astery. At that time, the novices from the monastery addressed the monk where he wanted the heap of brick to be set stable. The monk said that the place of the heap of bricks was not important, but he wanted to know whether the beggar had the attitude to do the work or not.


After a few years, a one-armed man came to the monas­tery to make his donation. He was once the beggar who had got to the monastery and asked the monk for food. But he realized his ability to do the work that the monk taught him and abandoned his beggar life. Since then, he tried to do work, and now his condition has gotten better and better to implement such a donation. Therefore, as everyone has an opportunity to try to do work, no matter what difficulties are encountered, one should try to overcome as much as they can by trying hard. What is more, everyone should try to build a strong foundation of atti­tude since they are young.


Life offers everyone the chance to try, regardless of wheth­er they are born into a rich or poor family. Indeed, life cannot be taken for granted. Both the rich and the poor face challenges, and without effort and preparation, one cannot navigate through the complexities of life. Whether born with advan­tages or facing difficulties, every­one must make careful endeav­ours to navigate their life journey and not be toppled by failures.


Failures are a part of life, and not everyone likes them. However, some failures are a result of our own shortcomings. Only those with a steadfast attitude can with­stand failures and continue to try. Life is composed of the images of endeavour, and one’s ability to overcome challenges depends on one’s attitude toward life.


An inspiring story about a one-armed beggar at a monastery teaches us the importance of atti­tude. The monk asked the beggar to move a heap of bricks with only one arm. Despite initial doubts, the beggar succeeded, realizing his ability. In contrast, a beggar with two hands refused the same task, lacking the right attitude. The monk emphasized that the attitude to work is more important than the work itself.


The story highlights that no matter the circumstances, every­one has the opportunity to try and overcome difficulties. Just as the one-armed beggar transformed his life through effort, everyone should strive to build a strong foundation of attitude from a young age. It is through persever­ance and the right mindset that we can navigate the ups and downs of life, just like the determined baby learning to walk.


In brief, the journey of life requires effort, perseverance, and a positive attitude. Building a strong foundation of attitude from a young age is crucial for facing challenges, overcoming failures, and leading a fulfilling life. Parents, educators, and so­ciety share the responsibility of providing guidance and support to nurture positive attitudes in the younger generation. By doing so, we contribute to creating a brighter and more resilient future for our children. Life is a journey that everyone can navigate suc­cessfully with the right mindset and determination.


(To my beloved son and oth­er children who play internet games every day)