Up-to-date voters list can ensure electoral integrity in 2020

16 July


The Union Election Commission is making preparations to ensure the 2020 general elections meet five standards: they are free, fair, transparent, reliable, and harmonious with the people’s desire. 

Cooperation from ministries concerned and the people are sine qua non for making the 2020 general elections, which will be held on 8th November, successful. The UEC has compiled a voters list and a constituency list nationwide as part of its efforts for ensuring that eligible citizens do not lose their votes.

The sub-commissions in regions and states of the UEC have taken steps to keep their voter registration lists accurate and up-to-date since 2019.

The commission announced yesterday that the voters list will be published at ward/village election offices nationwide from 25 July 2020 to 7 August 2020, and in October again. 

The goal of maintaining an accurate voters list is to ensure that eligible voters are able to cast a ballot, to keep track of who has voted to prevent anyone from voting twice and, by reducing inaccuracies, and speeding up the voter check-in process at polling places.

Voter registration lists are the foundation of everything else in election administration. Hence, people are advised to check to see if they are on the voting rolls. Besides, they are advised to verify a new voter registration applicant’s information and updated information on the voter list. If they find flaws or mistakes on their information, they have rights to submit a complaint against the electoral officials in accordance with the law and to request them to make the information correct.

They also have rights to request directly to the officials to remove no-longer eligible voters from the list when they find them in the list.

A national voter registration list can prevent or mitigate voter fraud in an effort to protect the right to vote for eligible voters and increase electoral integrity.

The time has now come to implement public and constituent awareness programs for the 2020 general elections and disseminate election news and information speedily and effectively to the public. Therefore persons who are in charge at different levels of various commissions are urged to be competent and qualified in their work.