Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of SAC Chairman Prime Minister, Honorary Patron of MWAF, attends Myanmar Women’s Contemporary Costume Show and Variety Dance

The Myanmar Women’s Con­temporary Costume Show and Variety Dance was staged at the Myanmar International Conven­tion Centre II (MICC II) in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon, with the attendance of Honorary Patron of the Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, who is the wife of the Chair­man of the State Administration Council Prime Minister.


As a gesture of hailing the Myanmar Women’s Day, which falls on 3 July 2024, the Myanmar National Women’s Committee organized the Myanmar Wom­en’s Contemporary Costume Show and Variety Dance.


Participating belles in charming outfits created by fa­mous designers participated in the show to the accompaniment of songs sung by renowned vo­calists. Moreover, the entertain­ment was comprised of songs, costume shows, and one-act plays.


MWAF honorary patron Daw Kyu Kyu Hla and other hon­orary patrons presented flower baskets to the patron, chair and vice-chair of the federation.


The wife of the SAC Sec­retary and the wife of the SAC Joint Secretary presented flower baskets to artistes, whereas My­anmar National Women’s Com­mittee Chair Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Re­settlement Dr Soe Win gave the flower basket to the secretary of MWAF for organizing the event.


After the ceremony, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla and officials cor­dially greeted the artistes.


Also present at the cere­mony were MWAF honorary patrons Daw Khin Thet Htay and Daw Than Than Nwe, wives of SAC members, wives of Un­ion ministers, the Union Audi­tor-General, the wife of Union Civil Service Board, wives of the Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman and region and state chief min­isters, wives of senior military officers, judges of the Supreme Court of the Union, women members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, deputy ministers and their wives, the deputy auditor-general, mem­bers of Anti-Corruption Com­mission, Myanmar National Hu­man Rights Commission, other dignitaries and guests. — MNA/ TTA