Democratic system through collective leadership: SAC member

Mahn Nyein Maung, a member of the State Administration Coun­cil, said that when each ethnic group and party lead the country, they must take their own respon­sibility and develop a multi-party democratic system through col­lective leadership.


He said that on arriving at Kyonpyaw District, Ayeyawady Region while meeting with town elders and farmers on 17 Decem­ber.


Myanmar is home to many ethnics, the collective leadership plays a key role, and individuals need to build mutual understand­ing and support each other in solving difficulties. Every citizen needs to hand down good histori­cal records to their future gener­ations, he said.


He also said that the country will be able to achieve develop­ment through peace. In addi­tion, it is necessary to be able to choose leaders who are generous and full of attitude towards the country. He added that only with peace and stability will the na­tion's goals be implemented to the best of its ability.


The SAC member attended the (MSMEs) local products ex­hibition held in Kyonpyaw District and visited the related product booths, including the product showroom.


After that, members of the State Administration Council and the regional chief minister gave the inputs of the Spring Rice Pro­ject to the farmers of Kyonpyaw, Yekyi and Kyaunggon townships. The farmers were urged to make all-round efforts to make agricul­tural activities more successful. — MNA/KZL