Deputy Information Minister discusses systematic printing services

Deputy Minister for In­formation U Ye Tint, in his capacity as Chairman of the Government Printing House Management Committee, ad­dressed the 1/2024 coordina­tion meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.


In his speech, the deputy minister said the State Admin­istration Council instructed the governmental ministries to offer printing services of books and publications at the Myawady Book Store of the Directorate of Public Rela­tions and Psychological War­fare, Printing and Publishing Department and News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information and Kaba Aye printing house of the Religious Affairs Department, and to offer the services to the private printing houses only when the workload is heavy. Therefore, the SAC organized the committee.


The first committee meet­ing was held on 30 April, and the printing capacity from the printing departments was sought. The printing services at the government printing houses aim to increase income and promote the production rate.


He continued that the de­partments could submit their potential capacity, and the printing houses would receive more job offers, as well as the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare and Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture.


Then, the attendees coor­dinated the discussion, and the deputy minister concluded the meeting. — MNA/KTZH