Deputy Information Minister visits printing houses, offices, IPRD offices

On the morning of 15 December, U Ye Tint, the Deputy Minister for Informa­tion, visited Aung San Printing House, Sarpay Beikman Printing House, and GTC Printing House. During the visits, he urged the officials to monitor print quality promptly, ensure error-free work processes, prevent equipment damage and loss of raw materials and finished products, and take responsibility and accountability for the State and relevant departments with loyalty.


In the evening, he inspected opera­tion of printing works at Central Press on Theinbyu Road. During this inspec­tion, he instructed the factory manager and officials to address weaknesses and errors, improve quality, and minimize wastage. On 16 December, the Deputy Minister visited Information and Public Relations Department in Htantabin and Nyaungdon townships to inspect library and office works.


During a meeting with the staff, the Deputy Minister emphasized that tech­nological advancements allow the ex­ploration of knowledge in various ways. He stressed that the department must continue to educate the public through various means of public relations. Con­sidering the current conditions in the country and future activities, the Deputy Minister highlighted the importance of knowledge and wisdom for all, especial­ly for the youth. He added that people should prioritize acquiring knowledge throughout their lives and called for extensive educational activities for the youth and the general population. — MNA/TKO