Dhamma school teachership training course concludes in Minhla

Minhla, 27 December


The closing of a Dhamma school teachership training course took place in Minhla Township, Bago Region on 26 December.


The event was attended by the chairman of the township Sangha Maha Nayaka committee, patron monks of the township Dhamma school committee, members of the township Dhamma school foundation, course instructors and trainees. Next, the chairman of the township Dhamma school committee explained the purpose of the training course and the ceremony came to an end by reciting “Buddha Sasana Ciran Tittatu”.


Afterwards, Township Administrator U Myo Nyunt and the chairman of township development committee presented completion certificates to the trainees. The training course was attended by 53 trainees throughout the township.—Pauk Sa

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe