Digging wells conducted in Zalun Twsp in Hinthada District

Zalun 26 January

With the aim of solving water scarcity in summer season, digging wells was conducted in Nyaungbin Ywathit, Htantabin, Ashaeywathitgone and Kyonetanaw (South) villages in Zalun Township, Hinthada District, Ayeyawady Region. 

Township Officer and officials from Township Department of Rural Development inspected the water supply projects and related works in the villages and urged the responsible people to meet set standard within the target date. 

The Township Department of Rural Development is conducting four tube wells, four water plants, two water tankers capable of storing 2400 gallons of water and two water tanks with K 52 million allocated by the Department. The projects are being supervised by engineers from the Township DRD starting from first week of January. Now, the projects have been completed by 5 percent, according to the Township Officer from the Department. 

Upon completion, a total of 1755 people from 349 households in the villages will be available purified drinking water in all seasons. 

Thaw Zin Aung (Natmauk)
Translated by Suyee