Diplomats have to enhance political, economic and cultural exchanges in assigned countries

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said diplomats have to effectively utilize their endeavours in relevant arenas to enhance political, economic and cultural exchanges in assigned countries.


Yesterday morning, Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Min­ister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing explained the necessary measures to ambassadors and chargés d’affaires ad interim serving duties abroad at the SAC Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw.


At the meeting, the Senior General clarified terror acts of CRPH, NUG and PDF terrorist groups, terror acts of PDF terrorists in some townships of the nation in 2023, acts of some ethnic armed organi­zations to give terrorist training, sell arms and ammunition and blow up bridges and roads together with PDF terrorists while killing innocent people with different at­titudes, cooperation between Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force and people in launching counter-terrorism operations in some areas of EAOs, eradication of online gambling and scams in which some EAOs are involved.


Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General noted diplomats serving duty abroad are responsible for implement­ing the State’s independent and active non-aligned foreign policy. It is neces­sary to monitor neighbouring and global countries’ situations while successfully implementing Myanmar’s policies. They have to disseminate past correct incidents and present actual Myanmar situations to the international community in their respective countries. Depending on ex­periences, those diplomats have to take appropriate measures for the interests of the nation, he noted.


He pointed out that service personnel can cast votes for their favourite parties, but it must not affect their duties, thor­oughly understanding party politics and serving the State’s duties. Ambassadors, chargés d’affaires ad interim, and staff members have to realize that they are serving the State, not the government.


The Senior General underscored that diplomats must effectively utilize their endeavours in relevant arenas to enhance political, economic and cultural exchanges. Personal and working frater­nities can contribute to success in their duties. Those diplomats have to serve their duties with loyalty to the State and the national spirit. They have to empha­size boosting the economy of the State and citizens, he added.


He stressed that as Myan­mar citizens abroad are also Myanmar people, diplomats have to solve their difficulties as much as possible. The gov­ernment allows entitlements and allowances for Myanmar diplomats abroad. So, they can submit their difficulties in their respective assigned countries.


He continued that ambas­sadors and chargés d’affaires ad interim must submit their efforts for education promotion and encouragement in their as­signed countries, and they have to take examples from respec­tive countries that are appro­priate for Myanmar. As such, they need to participate in the country’s education promotion sector.


The Senior General not­ed that the People’s Military Service Law and the Reserve Forces Act had been issued due to the nation’s conditions. As all citizens are responsible for defending the country, the People’s Military Service Law was issued in the past. It is in­dispensable to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes. In compliance with the law, all relevant measures will be care­fully considered. An appropriate number of individuals within the designated age range will be re­cruited to minimize the burden on the State. Under the Reserve Forces Act, war veterans will not be enlisted; only the neces­sary number will be recruited to fulfil assigned duties. As such, ambassadors and chargés d’af­faires ad interim have to clarify matters related to these laws in their assigned countries.


Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe reported on the implementation of the State’s foreign policies and diplomatic relations with the international community.


They also discussed the en­hancement of bilateral relations with relevant countries, the atti­tudes of these countries towards Myanmar, and other diplomatic measures.


In his speech, the Senior General said that the State Ad­ministration Council is striving to successfully hold a multiparty democratic general election as its ultimate mission in order to hand over the State responsibili­ties to the elected party. As such, he stressed the need to hold a prestigious election and to con­vene a prestigious Hluttaw. If so, the election will be reputable, and Hluttaws will have a check and balance system taking a lesson from voting fraud in the 2020 general election.


He highlighted that Myan­mar is ready to accept those who arrived in Bangladesh if those persons are in line with the designated issues. So, ef­forts will be made to ease the problems in accord with the agreements of both countries.


To implement Our Three Main National Causes, the gov­ernment conducts measures on armed conflicts and different opinions under the law. As the instigation of media may cause the disintegration of the unity of the Union, diplomats have to manage the international com­munity to know the nation’s ac­tual situation.


The Senior General urged diplomats to look after scholar­ship students in their respective countries while solving the prob­lems of scholarship students and those who arrive abroad for various reasons. They must manage a smooth international relations and cooperation pro­cess to contribute to the moth­erland properly.


Also present at the meeting were SAC Joint Secretary Lt- Gen Ye Win Oo, Union Minister at the SAC Chairman Office Ministry No 1 U Ko Ko Hlaing and advisers to the SAC Chair­man. — MNA/TTA