DoH conducts mass vaccination campaign in Chaungzon

Chaungzon, 26 November

The Department of Health under the Ministry of Health and Sports launched a mass immunization campaign against measles and rubella in Chaungzon Township, Mon State this morning.




The event was formally opened by the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Daw Kyi Kyi Mya, Township Administrator U Tun Aung Kyaw and Township Medical Superintendent Dr. Thuzar Win. At the ceremony, an official from the DoH clarified the purpose of mass vaccination.




The officials injected 122 children under five years old with vaccination against various diseases such as measles and rubella free of charge. The activity runs from 26 to 28 November at 50 gathering points in the township.—KA (Chaungzon)

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe