Doing whatever you want, with careless abandon is full of danger. This is the other extreme: State Counsellor

18 June 

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi wrote on her Facebook page yesterday that doing whatever you want, with careless abandon like in normal times is full of danger; this is the other extreme. This was what she wrote:

When we say the Mijima or the middle path we might think this is the easiest path. In reality, we are finding that this is not easy. Treading the path with stability, without losing balance and without going towards the extreme seems to be more difficult. Here I am talking about the path we have to tread with regard to protecting ourselves from COVID.

We have to keep reminding people not to worry too much while at the same time we have to urge them not to be careless. Just like the words of advice given by the Pakkoku Sayadaw to my father, “Don’t be too scared because others scare you and don’t be too fancy-free”. One extreme is to be consumed with worry and thinking when would this dangerous disease be cured and how should we carry on. The other extreme is to do whatever you want with careless abandon as in normal times. This is also full of danger.

In our country, we haven’t even reached three months from the time we started imposing health rules and regulations to protect ourselves from COVID. I can see some people who have lost their patience. In this type of situation, we should be scared because we need to be scared; this is the time we should be on our guard. In some countries where they have announced that they have overcome the COVID challenge, they are facing COVID cases again. This is really scary.

Let me remind you again. Researchers are of the opinion that the second COVID wave is more likely to be worse than the first wave. We did not overcome the first wave easily. We had to invest in financial resources, human resources, and spiritual energy and will power. All types of energy. We need to come up with spiritual energy and will power continuously so that the investments we have made so far couldn’t turn out to be for nothing.

Although we may feel tired to seize our desired goal, please follow the instructions and rules issued by the Ministry of Health without relaxing our strenuous and determined efforts. So that you don’t have to worry in the future, please tread the correct middle path in an upright and unwavering manner.

(Translated by Kyaw Myaing)