DPM MoFA UM discusses advancing international cooperation with diplomats

Deputy Prime Minister Un­ion Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe presided over a meeting on advancing inter­national cooperation with am­bassadors, chargés d’affaires and consuls-general, who were temporarily brought back to Myanmar, yesterday.


First, the Union minister made an opening speech.


Then, Union Minister for Labour U Myint Naung dis­cussed the cooperation be­tween the ministry and My­anmar embassies to protect Myanmar migrant workers in foreign countries. At the same time, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Toe Yi reported on anti-drug activities, human rights protection and transfer of foreigners involved in online scams.


Moreover, Deputy Minis­ter for Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win present­ed the budget policy, financial policy, investment policy and trading policy of the country, whereas Deputy Minister for Investment and Foreign Eco­nomic Relations Dr Wah Wah Maung focused on local and foreign investment, normal trading procedures and border trading issues, and Deputy Min­ister for Commerce U Min Min discussed the MSMEs develop­ment activities and implementa­tion of special economic zones.


Then, the ambassadors and chargés d’affaires presented matters related to promoting economic cooperation, labour issues, and other cases in their respective countries. — MNA/ KTZH