DRD-financed rural road to benefit 1,100 locals in Katha Twsp

Katha, 9 July

Construction of a rural road in Ngategyi Village, Katha Township in Sagaing Region has reportedly been 100 percent completed.

The earthen road is 2 miles and 2 furlongs long, 12 ft. wide, and nine inch thick. It was built by a private construction company with K 105 million funded by the Department of Rural Development in the current fiscal year.

The newly-built facility is expected to benefit 420 acres of farmland belonging to 1,100 local people who will be able to export their products to the markets in a rapid manner, said an official from the DRD.

Myo Win Nyo (Kyunhla)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe