DRD-sponsored sewing course opens in Singu Tsp.

Singu, 1 January


With a view to creating job opportunities for rural people, the Department of Rural Development organized a vocational sewing course at its office in Singu Township, Pyinoolwin District, Mandalay Region this morning.


First of all, the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Dr. Zaw Win Myint delivered an opening speech. Then, staff officer of the township Department of Rural Development U Aung Ko Ko Oo clarified the purpose of the training course and introduced the subjects to be taught to the trainees in the training.


Then, the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Dr. Zaw Win Myint, MP of regional Hluttaw Dr. Kyaw Naing Oo and officials presented teaching aids to the trainees.


The one-month training course is being attended by 10 trainees from the Township.


The Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Dr. Zaw Win Myint, MP of regional Hluttaw Dr. Kyaw Naing Oo, departmental officials and staff from the township Department of Rural Development attended the event.—Min Zaw Oo, IPRD


Translated by JT