Driver escape from hi-jet fire in Enime Township

Einme, 25 February


No casualties were reported after a hi-jet caught fire near an inter-village road in Thaphanpinseik Village, Einme Township in Ayeyawady Region at about 4:50 p.m. on 24 February.




Upon receiving a phone call about the fire from a dutiful person, firefighters from the local fire station rushed to the scene of accident and put out the blaze with the use of fire engines and fire extinguishers. On one was injured in the incident but the hi-jet plus electronic equipment in the car were destroyed.




In connection with the fire, the driver identified as U Soe Naing is being taken action over fire negligence by the local police.—Chit Thet Lel (IPRD)


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe