Drugs confiscated in Nawnkhio, Panlong townships

Nay Pyi Taw, 28 March


Police members from Lashio Anti-Drug Squad-24 stopped a motorbike driven by Phoe La Pyea with Shine Zaw Htet, (a) Ko Shine onboard at Mile Post 80/4 on Muse-Mandalay Road in Nawnkhio Township, Shan State (North) and seized 5400 stimulant tablets and a mobile phone from them.


In a similar fashion, policemen from Loikaw Anti-Drug Squad-27 the same day searched the house of Kun Kyaw Myint on Prahita Road, Ward-2 in Panlong and seized 1590 stimulant tablets, heroin weighing 11 grams, raw opium weighing 50 grams and a mobile phone from him.


Phoe La Pyea, Shine Zaw Htet, (a) Ko Shine and Kun Kyaw Myint were charged under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.—MPF


Translated by JT