Drugs seized along with percussion lock firearm in Mogaung Tsp.

Mogaung, 7 February

Local authorities arrested a man along with drugs and a percussion lock firearm in a hut near Pinbaw Village in Mogaung Township, Kachin State yesterday.

Acting on a tip-off, a combined team comprising of police members led by Police sub-Inspector Nay Lin Tun from Mogaung Anti-Drug Squad-3 and security force together with witnesses raided the hut of U Nyo (a) Nyo Tok, 43, near Pinbaw Village in Mogaung Township and seized heroin weighing 50 grams, 1160 stimulant tablets, a percussion lock firearm and K 220000 in the hut.

U Nyo (a) Nyo Tok from Ohntaw Village in Mogaung Township is currently being detained for possession of a homemade gun and drugs by the local policemen.—Win Naing ( Kachinmey

Translated by JT