Drugs seized in Kalinaung

Kalinaung, 26 July


Local authorities confiscated stimulant tablets at Mahlwaytaung checkpoint in the town of Kalinaung, Dawei District, Tanintharyi Region yesterday.


Police members led by Police sub-Inspector Ye Htun intercepted a motorbike driven by Balai Chan heading to Yay Towship at Mahlwaytaung checkpoint and seized 200 stimulant tablets from him.


As a result of investigation, Balai Chan said that drug pusher IO Min Aung(a)Watok from the same village gave  him K 250000 and arranged a motorbike for him to buy drugs.


Authorities filed charges against the two under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.—Thandar Moe, Township IPRD


Translated by JT