Drugs seized in three townships

23 December

Anti-narcotic drug squad seized drugs from two men named Zin Maung Win and Thura Aung in Japan street, Ywarma (East) District, Insein on 21 December. Police searched the room of City Golf Course Hotel and found Zin Maung Win with 19,500 stimulant tablets. Then, the police seized Thura Aung in the same place by following the information.

There were also two cases at Ta Shwe Tan Village tract, Laukkai Township in the same day. Police searched the house near Nankaw village and found 1,020 stimulant tablets, 2.5g of ice and the apparatuses used in producing of stimulants. Police also found 1,040 liters of Diethyl Ether, 50kg of Sodium Nitrate and 20kg of bone char in a tunnel inside the tent near Nankaw village at 2pm afternoon.

In Kengtung case, police found 800 Yaba pills from the motorbike of Sai Moon on Naung Hone-Yang Long village road, Katike Village tract, Kengtung Township. Following the information, Police searched the house of Ar Kite at Yang Pu Village, Lwei Long Village tract, Kengtung Township and found 4,000 stimulant tablets. Those suspects have been charged under the existing Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law, according to Myanmar Police Force.— GNLM (Translated by Bahtoo)