Senior General Min Aung Hlaing underlined that a profound grasp of and commitment to the ‘Rules of Engagement (RoE)’ observed worldwide are indispensable for maintaining operational integrity.


Chairman of the State Administra­tion Council Commander-in-Chief of De­fence Services Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thud­hamma Min Aung Hlaing delivered a speech at the passing out parade of the 66th Intake of Defence Services Academy at the DSA parade ground in PyinOoLwin yesterday morning.


Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General delivered a speech. He said: As discipline and a positive mindset are intrinsically linked, the cultivation of a positive mindset invariably reinforces disciplined behaviour. Discipline serves as a moral virtue and the backbone and soul of the Tatmadaw, making it vital to respect and maintain it diligently. Giv­en the stringent disciplinary measures mandated by the Military Act, a thorough study and understanding of its provi­sions are imperative to ensure proac­tive compliance. Moreover, a profound grasp of and commitment to the ‘Rules of Engagement (RoE)’ observed world­wide are indispensable for maintaining operational integrity.


I call upon all comrades to dedicate themselves fully within their respective sectors, ensuring the meticulous organ­ization of the election through accurate voter lists, and facilitating the seamless transition of national responsibilities to the government that emerges from the election results.


Comrades should not be deceived by such deliberate dissemination of fake news and misinformation aimed at the disintegration of Tatmadaw, and it is crucial to strengthen the cohesion of military personnel and their families within their respective units to ensure they remain steadfast in their determi­nation and amenability, shielding them from the corrosive impact of fake news and misinformation while fostering unity within the unit.


I would like to highlight that the dutiful execution of orders and duties assigned by superiors, along with the successful implementation of four major tasks daily, while leading subordinates with much exposure, plays a crucial role in strengthening unity within the unit.


I firmly assert that comrades must rigorously uphold the established codes of conduct with a steadfast commitment to fostering external unity beyond the unit.


They are also duty-bound to render public services, including making sub­stantial contributions to regional devel­opment projects, providing swift and decisive aid in the aftermath of natural disasters, and ensuring the comprehen­sive provision of education, healthcare, and social welfare.


These obligations must be fulfilled with sincerity and profound dedication, as they are integral to the Tatmadaw’s paramount responsibilities.



Cadet companies saluted the Senior General with the slow-march past and quick-march past. The Senior General presented the Best Cadet Award to Ca­det Htet Arkar, Excellent Award in Train­ing to Cadet Thiha Soe, Excellent Award in Studies (Arts) to Cadet Nay Thukha, Excellent Award in Studies (Science) to Cadet Ye Htet and Excellent Award in Studies (Computer) to Cadet Zaw Phyo Aung respectively.


After taking the salute of the cadet companies, the Senior General left the parade ground.


After the ceremony, the Senior General met five outstanding cadets and their parents and relatives at the DSA headquarters and spoke words of honour.


He urged those outstanding cadets to take good experiences from seniors in serving the duties of the State and Tatmadaw. As Tatmadaw members are born of people, Tatmadaw is one of the parts of the State. They all have to be loyal to themselves, their organization and the State and serve the assigned duties conscientiously as part of serving the interests of the State and Tatmadaw.


Also present at the ceremony were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior Gen­eral, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Thiri Pyanchi Sithu Maung Maung Aye and his wife, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Zeya Kyaw Htin Htein Win and his wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Zeya Kyaw Htin Sithu Tun Aung and his wife, senior Tatmadaw officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, military attachés from foreign missions to Myanmar, parents and rel­atives of graduate cadets and guests.


In the evening, the Senior General attended the graduation dinner to hon­our the 66th Intake of DSA at the mess hall of the Anawrahta Battalion of the DSA.


Also, present at the dinner were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior Gen­eral, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye and his wife, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Htein Win and his wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung and his wife, senior Tatmadaw officers from the Office of the Command­er-in-Chief and their wives, Union min­isters, the Chief Minister of Mandalay Region and his wife, the commander of Central Command, the commandant of DSA, officials of PyinOoLwin Station, parents and relatives of graduate of­ficers and guests.


The Senior General cordially greet­ed the graduate officers and had dinner together with graduate officers and dig­nitaries.


At the dinner, the Senior General and dignitaries enjoyed the song enter­tainment of Myawady Entertainment Troupe. — MNA/TTA