May 23, 2020
The residents from Kanmyintha Sanpya village in Wuntho township in Katha district, Sagaing region earn their livelihood making the traditional earthen pots.
“To make earthen pots, the locals have to dig the land from their farmland near Dontok creek, two miles away from Kan Myint Thar Sanpya village. There are two types of earth called Myaywar and Innmyay (Myay Mae). The earthen pots need to dry for six to eight hours under the sun and bake for 10 hours. Each stove can bake 50 earthen pots,” said U Kyaw Aye from Kanmyintha Sanpya village. The earthen pots are sold for K1,000 for the big ones and K600-800 for smaller one as wholesale prices. The earthen pots are sold in Mohnyin, Moegaung, Myitkyina, Kachin State Phakant in upper Myanmar and Pinlebu, Kawlin, Kanbalu, Shwebo, Mandalay towns in lower Myanmar. —Myint Tun Min (Kawlin) (Translated by Hay Mar)