Effective Legal Advocacy Training for Organizational Development

By Dr Than Lwin Tun


Legal Advocacy Train­ing is a crucial wing for developing organization­al effectiveness in a Legal Per­spective. At the moment, with the guidance of the Chairman of the State Administration Council and the supervision of the Minister for Legal Affairs, the Ministry of Le­gal Affairs (MOLA) has conducted three Legal Advocacy Training courses. We (37 trainees from dif­ferent ministries) attended Legal Advocacy Training No 3 from 8 June 2023 to 19 August 2023 at MOLA.


Legal Advocacy Training is motivated by Organizational De­velopment in Legal Perspective, which involves shifting the focus from representing clients in legal disputes to ensuring the legal as­pects of an organization’s opera­tions are optimized and aligned with its goals. The following points in this training are essential for organizational development: -


To understand the organi­zation’s Legal Needs: Before you can enhance organizational effec­tiveness from a legal perspective, you must thoroughly understand the specific legal needs and chal­lenges of the organization. This could include compliance with industry regulations, contract management, intellectual prop­erty protection, employment law, and more.


Assessing current Legal Framework: To evaluate the organization’s current legal framework, including contracts, policies, procedures, and compli­ance programmes. Identify areas where improvements or updates are necessary to enhance legal effectiveness.


Assessment of Legal Risk: To conduct a comprehensive le­gal risk assessment to identify potential legal risks and liabilities that the organization might face. This involves analyzing contracts, reviewing compliance with laws and regulations, and assessing the legal health of the organization.


Legal Compliance: To en­sure that the organization is fully compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. Develop and im­plement compliance programmes, policies, and procedures to miti­gate legal risks and liabilities.


Contract Management: If applicable, take responsibility for managing contracts within the or­ganization. Ensure that contracts are well-drafted, reviewed, and executed in a way that protects the organization’s interests and minimizes legal exposure.


Policy Development and Review: To work on developing and periodically reviewing organ­izational policies and procedures to align with legal requirements and best practices. Ensure that policies are communicated effec­tively throughout the organization.


Conflict Resolution and In­tervention: To utilize legal skills in conflict resolution and interven­tion within the organization. Help resolve disputes and conflicts in a manner that minimizes the risk of legal action.


Data Privacy and Security: Increasing importance of data pri­vacy, focus on implementing and maintaining robust data protec­tion measures to safeguard sensi­tive information and ensure com­pliance with data privacy laws.


Litigation Avoidance: To develop strategies and practices aimed at preventing legal disputes and litigation. This could involve creating processes for early issue identification and resolution.


Legal Budgeting and Cost Control: To manage the legal budget effectively, ensuring that legal expenditures are in line with the organization’s financial goals and priorities. Explore cost-effec­tive ways to handle legal matters, such as alternative dispute reso­lution methods.


Communication and Col­laboration: To foster effective communication and collabora­tion between legal and non-legal departments. Ensure that legal insights are integrated into deci­sion-making processes across the organization.


Performance Metrics: To establish key performance in­dicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your legal contri­butions to the organization. These KPIs could include reduced le­gal risks, cost savings, improved compliance rates, and successful dispute resolution.


Continuous Learning: To stay updated on legal develop­ments relevant to the organiza­tion’s industry and operations. Continuously adapt your legal strategies and practices to align with changing legal requirements and organizational needs.


Evaluate and Adjust: To evaluate regularly the impact of your legal initiatives on the or­ganization’s effectiveness and adjust your strategies as needed to achieve better results.


In addition, these Legal Advocacy Training courses are very effective and motivated for organizational development. We get innovative ideas and crea­tive thinking from these kinds of training and consider a proactive approach to identify and address legal issues, minimize risks, and align legal efforts with the organ­ization’s overall objectives. It’s a multifaceted role that combines legal knowledge with a deep un­derstanding of the organization’s goals and operational challenges.