Efficiency-promoting course on election opens in Kawthoung Tsp

Kawthoung, 20 January 

Kawthoung district Sub-election commission opened an efficiency-promoting course on election for members of the district and township sub-election commissions at the meeting hall of its office in the town of Kawthoung, Taninthayi region this morning.

At the event, U Maung Maung lay, chairman of Kawthoung District Sub-election Commission made a speech, saying the course was organized to promote the efficiency of chairmen, members and staff of sub-election commissions at different levels in order to efficiently undertake their assigned tasks in accordance with laws, regulations and instructions.

The three instructors will teach the two-day course that covers ten curriculums essential for election processes including rights and responsibilities of sub-election commissions at different levels, election cycle and strategic goals of plan, electoral laws, regulations and instructions, codes of conduct for political parties and representatives, the role of ward and village sub-election commissions, settlement of electoral disputes, setting up coordination committees, submission of electoral objections, drawing up a list of voters, voting in advance, dos and don’ts for heads, deputy heads and members in charge of polling booths, voting, vote counting, publication of voting results, imparting knowledge to general public and voters, management of local and international election observers and dealing with media.

 A total of 20 trainees of chairmen, members and staff of Kawthoung district sub-election commission, Kawthoung and Boat Pyin townships sub-election commissions attended the course.—Kyaw Soe (Kawthoung) 

Translated by Aung Zaw Lin