Elderly people in Kawkreik receive social pension 

Kawkareik, 10 December


A ceremony to dispense social pension to senior citizens aged 85 and above was held at the meeting room of the Township General Administration Department in the Town of Kawkareik, Kayin State on 9 December.


First, Chairman of the Township Administrator U Kyaw Kyaw Oo delivered an opening speech and urged respective village and ward Administrators to distribute social pension to elderly people who are eligible to receive social pension.


Afterwards, an official from the Township Department of Social Welfare explained the provision of social pension for elderly people.


On the occasion, officials handed over Ks. 35.2 million to relevant village and ward administrators. Under this cash aid program, a total of 1167 senior citizens from 11 ward and 50 village tracts in the Township received Ks. 30000 each for the months of September, October and November.—Saw Aung Myo Lwin(IPRD)
Translated by JT