Electrofishing users arrested in central Myanmar to prevent Ayeyawady dolphins from extinction

19 Nov

A combined team arrested the fishermen who did illegal electrofishing to prevent the Ayeyawady dolphins from extinction, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Myanmar.

Under the one-year Ayeyawady dolphin conservation patrolling plan, the joint team conducted the patrolling from 1 to 15 November.

The patrolling was conducted near Nyaung Bin Thar village in Singu Township, Mandalay Region on 3 November, near Pauk Gone village on 10 November and near Sei Thae Taung village on 12 November. The team confiscated the illegal electrofishing equipment and the accessories as well as three motored fishing boats and handed them all over to the Singu Township Fisheries Department. Besides, the team has also confiscated the illegal electrofishing equipment and the accessories as well as one motored fishing boat near Nga Pak Chaung village in Wetlet Township on 13 November and handed them all over to the Shwebo District Fisheries Department.
The electrofishing equipment and the accessories, four motored fishing boats, and four batteries were seized on the first 15 days of the third month under annual Ayeyawady dolphin conservation patrolling plan.

The combined team comprised of the employees from the Fisheries Department, Environment and Endangered Aquatic Species Conservation Department, Madaya Township Fisheries Department, Singu Township Fisheries Department, Kanbalu Township Fisheries Department, No. 1 Mandalay Region’s Marine Administration Department and the local Ayeyawady Dolphin Conservation Team. 

By Nyein Nyein (Translated by Hay Mar)