Experts’ advice appreciated in industrial development: Industries chair

U Aye Tun, chairman of the My­anmar Industries Association, said they sought advice from ex­perts for industrial development.


He said it during his speech at the 28th annual general meet­ing of the association at Novotel Yangon Max in Yangon on 16 December.


He added: “Our association actively supports the growth of micro, small and medium enter­prises across the country. Addi­tionally, we have helped in import licensing and acquiring fuel oils.”


The association is also in­volved in cut-make-pack busi­nesses, and chemicals and so­lar industries. The chairman expressed a commitment to driving the association's growth and advancement.


Yangon Region Economic Affairs Minister U Myo Myint Aung stated: “Given the gov­ernment’s encouragement of MSMEs and local production, I urge entrepreneurs to harness high technology and explore for­eign markets through participa­tion in trade fairs.”


He also highlighted the im­portance of the association in the country’s industrial sector development.

U Aye Win, President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and In­dustry, said: "For entrepreneurs, staying updated with the latest technological advancements is crucial for competing effectively on an international scale".


The association was estab­lished in 1993. — TWA/NT